
Saturday, November 14, 2009

A new Chrysler logo takes wing?

Tomorrow, we'll get the official skinny from Chrysler on what the automaker's product plans are over the next few years. As the Fiat-directed new (and new again) Chrysler looks to break free from the shackles of mediocrity and reinvent itself, a filing at the U.S. Patent and Trademark office appears to confirm an Allpar report published earlier this month, showing the new winged logo that will presumably adorn cars coming from the Chrysler division. The look is sleeker and clearly more modern than the previous winged logo, which incorporated the old Chrysler seal. The new one has an almost Aston-esque vibe to it, featuring "Chrysler" embossed in a blue emblem centered between the outstretched wings. Allpar also reports that Dodge cars will ditch the Ram's-head logo for something all their own as well. We've got a feeling everything will be revealed during Chrysler's marathon six-hour press briefing tomorrow, so stay tuned for more. Thanks to Mike for the link!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Save By Comparing Insurance Quotes

Are you one of those Americans who spend an average of $3,500 each year on their home insurance as well as auto insurance payments? Know that you have a range of options to choose from for saving up to $1,000 on your payments.

For instance, there are many tricky but legal ways to reduce insurance payments. Here are some common and tested options:

  • A raised deductible will automatically lower your premium payments. This tip is useful in case you have enough money in your emergency fund to pay the raised deductible, if necessary.
  • For auto insurance, cancel collision insurance if your car is more than 10 years old and is worth less than $1,000.
  • If you have any add-ons products, such as towing insurance, cancel them all as on the whole they’re an additional financial burden to carry.
  • Two common ways to get payment discounts is to take a driver’s safety course initialized by your insurance company and combine your home and auto insurances.

Yet, one of the most efficient ways to save on real estate insurance premiums is to compare insurance quotes. is a free online service that can help you find the best quotes offered by licensed insurance companies to help you save the most money on payments.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Virginia Woman Sentenced for Staging Auto Crashes

COURTESY: Associated Press

A Norfolk, Virginia woman will spend seven years in prison for staging auto accidents to collect insurance money.

Teresa R. Gallop was sentenced in federal court Monday.

The 41-year-old had 60 prior felony convictions, including one for manslaughter.

Gallop was convicted earlier this year of staging three car crashes, using children as young as 4 pretending to be victims. Gallop collected about $50,000 in insurance payments.

Prosecutors said Gallop directed her teenage son and his friend to deliberately collide their vehicles, then she and several minor children would climb into one of the vehicles and claim to have suffered injuries during the crash. They say she also altered medical bills before submitting them to insurance companies.

COURTESY: Associated Press

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Auto Insurance Quotes - a detailed background

Before we start, make known that our goal is to give you as much
valuable facts as we could install onto this aaa auto insurance quotes page.

Getting yourself a spanking new automobile is often a very exciting and memorable experience. Sifting through alternatives of, makes, models, and features is hectic enough to make your head spin, in addition to which there`s the funding and motor vehicle coverage online costs. That being said, being prepared prior to the time you start looking for the car you want to purchase will assist in making the actual purchase transaction quicker and simpler for you!

Ahead of setting out for the automobile dealership, put together a list of what exactly you are seeking to find in a brand new vehicle. As you`re making out the catalog, try figuring out the identical issues a online vehicle insurance organization would evaluate when calculating a cost, for example:

• How do you use your car?
• What number of people do you most often carry in the vehicle?
• How frequently do you need to use your car?
• Which places do you go to when you drive?

These concerns will help you select the best automobile for your needs, while also making it easier to ensure that your online vehicle ins cost isn`t exorbitant.
Make a list of all the components, as well as the preferences that you`re keen on, such as spaciousness, whether you prefer automatic or manual transmission, engine specifications, trunk size, personal safety features, such as airbags, car security system, anti-lock brakes, and other security gadgets. internet automobiles insurance companies often provide discounts when your automobile has all or some of these safeguards, which means you save quite a lot of cash on your total quote.

In addition, check out auto makers` web sites. A whole lot of such sites have special sections that allow you to check the available options to locate your dream automobile - giving you the chance to choose the components that are important to you, while also supplying you with the accurate billing for such optional add-ons. Before committing yourself to a purchase, you would be smart to always account for each and every one of the overheads that are a part of acquiring a new car, including the manufacturer`s suggested retail price (called the sticker price), gasoline, ongoing maintenance and repairs, financing fees, taxes and automobile online insure.

How much you pay for your car has a dramatic impact on your automobiles assurance charge. A luxury car with all cutting edge security features will typically attract higher premiums than a no-frill economy automobile, due in part to the fact that the luxury automobile might cost considerably more to repair, or that kind of automobile is more at the risk of getting stolen.

Apart from looking at what your just-out-of-the-factory vehicle will be able to give you, you additionally ought to carry out a bit of background research. online auto insur premiums depend, to a certain degree, on the cash worth of the vehicle, which, in turn, determines the replacement cost if the car is stolen or a total write-off after being involved in a road mishap. How costly the automobile is to repair - inclusive of what the spares cost as well as labor charges - will tend to influence your auto coverages on line premiums. To add to that, additional charges could apply to cars that`re frequently stolen or often mixed up in fender-benders.

Preceding the time when you absolutely decide on the car, log on to one of the internet`s several on line vehicle online insure quote websites. Online, you will have the opportunity to evaluate auto insurence online charges offered by numerous insurance firms, helping you `bank` your money and your time at the time of acquiring your online car assurance.
If you forget all about it, turn again to the account that has to do with "aaa auto insurance quotes" offered along the course of the research that has been presented before you, which does not lack real life example cases.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Auto insurance benefits with fuel reduction

Drivers wanting to save money on fuel now that tax on the commodity has gone up can take steps which will also help reduce car insurance premiums, according to one website.

As well as reducing the amount spent on fuel now that tax on the commodity has been increased, financial website has revealed that certain tactics can also bring down auto insurance premiums.

Writing for MSN Money, Laura Starkey from the site said that with August 31st seeing fuel prices rise 2.3 pence per litre, motorists will be looking to cut down on the costs of driving, including auto insurance.

Ms Starkey advised drivers to reduce the amount the use their car – this will lead to using less petrol and also decreasing the amount of time spent on the road and the chance of damaging the vehicle.

She explained: "Agreeing to drive a set maximum mileage is unlikely to suit everyone, but could be a particularly useful tip for two-car families who have one vehicle that is used far less frequently than the other.

"If you are already driving limited distances in your car, ensure your insurance company is aware of this so it can price your policy accordingly," she added.

Increasing the vehicle's efficiency and checking out all the petrol stations in the area to find the best price will also help to reduce auto insurance premiums and cut the costs of paying for fuel, according to the expert.

Motorists in the UK are already finding ways to reduce the costs of driving without having to change their auto insurance policies, according to one firm.

Ibuyeco recently conducted a survey which found that 46 per cent of drivers have altered their technique when on the road, such as accelerating and braking more gently to reduce fuel intake, instead of cutting their auto insurance.

Ladies' car insurance firm launches safety device

A new device has been launched by the car insurance firm Sheilas' Wheels in an attempt to make female drivers feel less anxious while looking for their keys.

A leading ladies' car insurance firm has announced that its customers can now purchase a new key ring which is designed to make them feel safer when driving alone at night.

Research by Sheilas' Wheels has shown that 33 per cent of women get panicked or anxious when getting into their car because it takes them so long to find their keys among all the other items in their handbag.

This anxiety could lead to a higher chance of having an accident on the road which may need to be claimed for under auto insurance, so the company has introduced a new fake ring which quickly opens car doors.

By pressing the gem on the ring, it acts as a remote for the car and unlocks the doors, leaving the female driver to get into the vehicle and safely search for the actual keys.

Jacky Brown from Sheilas' Wheels ladies' car insurance provider said: "We are always looking to address women's motoring safety concerns and with the Sheilas' Wheels KeyRing we do just that.

"Not only will women be able to open their cars with minimal fuss, but they will be able to quickly get in to the safety of their vehicle before having to root around in their handbag for their car keys," she added.

The ladies' car insurance provider recently raised concerns over the number of drivers who headed abroad this summer without sufficient cover or knowledge of foreign road regulations.

Its research showed that 33 per cent of drivers set off to European countries in their vehicle thinking the rules of the road on the continent are the same as those in the UK - which is not the case.

Monday, September 7, 2009

UK's Chartered Insurance Institute to Host Conference on Terrorism


The UK's Chartered Insurance Institute announced that its London Market faculty will hold a second "Counter Terrorist Workshop" in conjunction with the City of London Police on November 10.

The CII said the first conference, held earlier this year, had been a great success, as "feedback from attendees at the earlier workshop was extremely positive."

Gillian Donegan, CII faculties' manager, noted: "Regrettably the threat of terrorism continues to be an everyday part of 21st century life. Against this background there remains a continuing and pressing need for businesses of all sizes to plan how best to deal with the potential disruption caused by a major terrorist incident."

"Our workshop features a simulation of an attack - posing various questions and dilemmas for the delegates to resolve, providing a unique opportunity to work out how businesses, staff and customers are best protected."

The first event was delivered by Counter Terrorism Security Advisors and hosted by the CII.

Toni Longman, a director at Heath Lambert, commented: "I found the workshop thought provoking - it has raised the profile of terrorism and business continuity in my mind with regards to my own organization, and I will develop some of the themes and points raised today for inclusion in discussions with clients and in the advice I provide to them.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Compare Quick Free Insurance Quotes Online

Finding the lowest insurance quotes in your state is quick and simple with's intuitive quote referral form. By answering a few questions, you can get an auto insurance quote instantly from up to three insurance companies that are offering the most competitive quotes. We search a nationwide database comprised of thousands of insurance providers to find you the best insurance quotes. Find business, health, life insurance quotes and more by using the online questionnaire.

Save Money With Multiple Insurance Quotes

Insurance quotes are not set at a standard rate across the industry. An insurance company may offer certain discounts that another provider does not have. Also, each company has their own guidelines for assessing risk, which can account for the difference in prices. Few consumers realize that sometimes an insurance company's rate has little to do with the actual consumer purchasing the policy. If an insurance company paid an unusually high amount of claims due to a devastating hurricane season or other disaster, they may raise their insurance rates to make up for their losses. Conversely, an insurance company with a great year, profit-wise, might be able to afford to lower their rates and attract more customers.

Get Auto Insurance Quotes Fast

Auto insurance is generally the most purchased insurance in the country. As a result, there are thousands of auto insurance providers that you may not be aware of. Instead of simply going with the auto insurance company with the cleverest advertisements, compare auto insurance quotes culled from a variety of auto insurance providers. We are not an insurance provider, but we are dedicated to helping consumers find the most affordable and competitive insurance quotes on the web.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New U.K. Database Tackles Auto Insurance Fraud


Where there are cars there are accidents, and where there are accidents there are insurance claims, which unfortunately are too often phony. The U.K. has announced a new measure to try and combat this kind of fraud, which the Association of British Insurers (ABI) estimates costs the industry around £20,000 ($37,300) a day.

An ABI bulletin described the initiative as a "new national database, which is being run by vehicle information experts HPI, and will contain details of all vehicles written-off following an accident or reported stolen." It will also keep track of over six million claims for total loss vehicles, "enabling insurers to expose scams and protect honest motorists."

The database replaces the Motor Insurance Anti Fraud and Theft Register, and it is hoped it will help "identify fraudsters who insure their vehicle with several insurers at the same time and then try to claim from each following a genuine or staged accident, or having reported the vehicle as 'stolen'." The original register was set up in 1987 to keep track of all vehicles written off by insurers, allowing them to check accident histories and claims made against these vehicles.

The ABI cited two salient examples of "multiple cheats who have already been caught out." They include:
- A policyholder who insured his old Fiat car with 11 different insurers, and then claimed for a replacement from each, following a crash, which he had caused himself. If successful he would have stood to gain £34,000 [$63,410] against the car worth £1,000 [$1,865].
- A woman reported her car stolen to the police. After her insurer had paid out, the database detected that the vehicle was no longer listed as stolen on the police national register. They confronted the policyholder who admitted that the car had not been stolen in the first place.

Justin Jacobs, Head of Motor and Risk Pricing at the ABI, commented: "Dishonest motor insurance claims are paid for by honest customers - this is why insurers are determined to stamp them out. The development of this new database shows the industry's commitment to sharing information with the common aim of reducing insurance fraud. Not only will it help detect more motor insurance fraud, but it will act as a strong deterrent, making anyone thinking of cheating on their insurance think twice."

Joe Doyle, Commercial Director of HPI, stated: "The new database supports insurance fraud detection by making the most of all available intelligence on total losses and thefts, including information from the Police National Computer. HPI is delighted to be running the system and at the support it has received from the whole motor insurance community."


Sunday, August 30, 2009

When the Sun Set on the British Auto Industry

As in the U.S., the U.K. car industry was once a robust industry that inspired national pride, dominating its home market and setting the bar for prestige and sophistication with brands like Bentley, Rolls Royce, and Jaguar.

At the industry’s peak in the 1960s, a million people made cars in the U.K. — five percent of the country’s total workforce — with suppliers and salesrooms swelling that number. British Leyland alone, which made the iconic Mini, employed nearly 200,000.

But in a scenario that should sound eerily familiar to watchers of the decline of the U.S. auto industry, the management of Great Britain’s largest carmakers proved slow to adapt to changing markets and were handcuffed by their workers as well. Output at overmanned plants was hit by constant labor disputes from the 1950s, making them unproductive and unprofitable. British firms lacked the flexibility to compete abroad even as European manufacturers began targeting the U.K. market with exports of right-hand drive models. And British vehicles often failed the technical standards set by export markets.

Article Source:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Benefits of Rental Car Insurance

There are thousands of people who have the passion to drive their car. But having a passion is not just enough; in addition it is also important to have the purchasing power to it as well. In order to fulfill their desire people opt for having car on rental. By this way they make their dream come true.

However, there are several things that one should keep in mind. Like if going for a rental option, is there any insurance protection available or not and many other related factors. For all such things, it is important to know all about rental car insurance. Usually on name of protection, the insurance companies provide the platinum or golden credit card but the question that often comes in the mind of their customers is that is such protection sufficient? Most of the people even treat the rental car insurance option as mere useless. So, here we are going to discuss all about such things only.

Generally the level of protection by the credit card is governed by the company providing it. There are several companies that provide the assurance that the car would be secured until it is in the hands of person driving it on rental. Such facility is generally considered as appropriate for most of the people but they get into the trouble when they come to know about their hidden terms and conditions afterwards.

There are credit card companies offering insurance benefits but their benefits vary from each another. This makes it very important for people to act cautiously when having rental car insurance. For having the best insurance option for rented vehicle, the first and the foremost thing is to read the offer document carefully before actually going for it. By this way you would be able to get away from several surprises afterwards.

Friday, August 28, 2009

video: get low premium auto insurance

Keeping Insurance Premiums Down

Insurance is a large portion of the cost of running a vehicle today. Many of us will pay monthly as we simply can’t afford to shell out a lump sum for the whole year, which means we could end up paying more overall.
Choose your vehicle wisely
When buying a new car, take into consideration the insurance group. Some cars are much more expensive to insure than others. Each model of car is given a grouping, from one to twenty. Cars in the higher groups are typically high performance models and more likely to cost insurers more in claims. Factors that determine which group a car falls into are as follows:
- Damage likelihood and parts cost
- Repair costs and times
- Value of the car new
- Body shell availability
- Car performance
- Car security

Consider where you park

If possible park your car in a garage or on the driveway. If you park in the street your insurance will cost more, as there is more risk of damage.

Keep an accurate record of mileage
When getting a quote for insurance you will always be asked to provide an estimated mileage for the year. Calculate accurately how many miles you travel each day. If you overestimate you could end up paying an unnecessarily high premium. Underestimate, and it could cost you more if you claim.

Limit additional drivers
The more drivers you add, the higher the risk for the insurer. Quite often drivers will want to be added to your policy as they can’t afford their own insurance, but this could be at your expense!!

Limit modifications
Some changes will have little effect, but others will boost the price considerably. Many insurers do not insure vehicles that have had certain types of modification, and this could also limit your choice when choosing a policy.

Protect your No Claims
It can put a little extra on your premium to protect your no claims, but if you have full no claims entitlement you could receive around 60% discount.

Increase your excess
In the event of a claim, regardless of whose fault it is, you will have to pay an excess amount towards the damage, the amount however is usually variable. If you increase the excess it will bring the cost of the policy down, you will need to weigh this up against the possibility of making a claim, but the higher the excess the more you can save.

Compare quotes
Most people only get around 3 quotes when searching for their insurance . There are hundreds of insurance brokers out there, and therefore hundreds of policies to choose from. To get the best deal contact as many different insurers as possible for a quote. Comparison sites are great for comparing quotes as they provide prices on behalf of lots of different insurers. is one of these sites.

Pick the appropriate Cover
Remember that while some insurers appear to be giving you a good deal on price, you will need to consider what’s included – it’s all about the best cover you can get for your money.
Before getting a quote make a list of all the items you want covered, i.e.:
- Legal expenses
- Breakdown assistance
- Possessions cover
- Personal injury cover
- Windscreen cover
- Courtesy car
These may be extra to the core policy, but by doing this you can ensure you get quotes on a like for like basis, and that you only pay for the items you need. You will also need to decide whether to go for fully comprehensive cover, or 3rd party fire and theft.

Improve Security
Working immobilisers and alarms will reduce the risk of your vehicle being stolen / damaged and therefore reduce your premium. You will have to pay to have these fitted, but it could be worth it in the long run. Even a steering wheel lock would be a deterrent for thieves. Security should be a primary requirement if you are buying a new car.


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim in the UK

An accident can happen at any given moment, regardless if you're a defensive driver or quite an adventurous one. With a car crash looming just around the corner, having your car insured is certainly an advantage. You may not have to pay for anything, especially if you're not at fault for the accident. Just file your insurance claim properly and you can enjoy its benefits.

Know the Coverage

In the event of an accident, before you start demanding stuff from the insurance company, better know the areas covered by your insurance. A Road Traffic Act Only insurance does not cover hospitalization fees, plus its coverage is limited to about a quarter million pounds. A Third Party Only insurance, on the other hand, is quite comprehensive, covering treatment fees, repairs, and damages. If you opted for extra coverage, nearly every aspect of the accident is covered.

Inform the Authorities about the Accident

In accidents, the police not only deliver justice, they also have perhaps the most important document for gathering insurance claims – the police report. Officers will do a little fact finding to check the damage and who's at fault for the accident. Provide the information asked from you by the officer then secure the name, contact number, and the license plate of the other party. After gathering all the necessary information, a police report will be created.

Call the Insurance Company

Give your insurance company a call once the police report has been filed, or even sooner. Inform them about the accident, so they'll have enough time to process the incident and prepare the corresponding funds. If the other party is proven to be at fault, as stated on the police's findings, you should contact his or her insurance company. Tell them that you're filing for damages and other inconveniences that led you to lose income. Provide them all the necessary information, including some of the details of the police report.

Reap Your Insurance Benefits

With all the reports and information exchanged, the insurance companies will release funds, which correspond to your insurance coverage and the damages you filed. You may need to bring your car to a repair shop, depending on the stipulations of your insurance. But that's okay, since everything will be paid for. Just sit back and relax until the collectibles arrive.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Commercial Auto Insurance - Commercial Vehicle Insurance Quote - Commercial Truck Insurance

We specialize in car insurance! We offer personal auto insurance quotes throughout our site. You can get quality commercial insurance services here. We have partnered with industry leaders to help you find the best rate for commercial auto insurance. We insure all kinds of vehicles; commercial truck insurance, commercial car insurance & tow truck insurance. We aren't just limited there, we cover pickup trucks, cars, vans, and SUVs, some of our available online commercial carriers also insure a variety of heavy trucks and trailers. Semi trucks, tractor trailers, box trucks, and dump trucks can be covered too with multiple vehicle and trailer combinations for insurance coverage.

Through our partners we offer a variety of commercial insurance coverage packages designed to meet your needs, with liability limits up to $1 million CSL, you can get the right amount of protection for your business. Commercial auto insurance and commercial truck insurance, including tow truck insurance are offered in 49 states.

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My son just moved to Georgia. He does not have a car, however he is going to get his GA license. Does he have to carry any type of insurance

Georgia does not require a person obtaining a driver's license to show proof of insurance. When moving to Georgia you must apply for a Georgia driver’s license or permit within 30 days of becoming a Georgia resident if you wish to drive upon the highways of this state. If your son is already licensed in his previous state than he should be able to surrender that license to obtain a GA driver's license.

As the Georgia Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) states, your vehicle must be covered with Georgia Liability insurance before it can be legally operated in this state and before a tag can be issued, renewed, replaced or transferred. So you need to insure your car to get it registered in Georgia.

Motor vehicle owners and lessees in this state are required to maintain continuousmandatory liability insurance coverage on their vehicle(s) to:

  • Legally drive the vehicle(s);
  • Register and obtain Georgia license plates (tags); and,
  • Renew, replace, or transfer their existing Georgia license plates (tags).

There is no mention by the GA MVD or the Division of Driver Services (DDS) that auto insurance is required just to have a driver's license. So your son should be able to exchange his out of state license for a Georgia license when he moves there and not obtain insurance since he does not own a car and does not live in a household that has an insurance policy he could be put on.

If he does get a car he then of course will need to get Georgia auto insurance on it. Or if he borrows a friend's car he will need to make sure there is insurance on it to cover him.

Georgia has in place a Safety Responsibility Law. The purpose of this law is to remove irresponsible drivers from Georgia highways and to protect insured motorists from uninsured motorists. In the event your son should fail to satisfy a claim for damage resulting from a motor vehicle accident, and a claim is filed against him under the Safety Responsibility Law, he would receive from the DDS an order suspending his license for one year.

To avoid such a suspension, one may:

  • If they were covered by liability insurance, have their carrier file Form SR-21with the DDS, or
  • File with the DDS a release, either general or conditional, signed by the claimant, or
  • Post security, which may be a cashier’s check, certified check, money order, real property bond or surety bond, in addition to posting of financial responsibility, Form SR-22.

So if he does drive someone else's vehicle he needs to be covered by insurance to make sure he covered and when he gets his own vehicle will need to get insurance so he does not break any Georgia auto insurance laws. If he wants to have coverage without owning a car he could obtain a non-owner's policy.

Non-owners insurance is coverage to give a motorist liability protection for when they are at fault in an accident but do not own a vehicle. Non-owners policies can typically include liability, medical payments, and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverages.

At when we can offer this type of policy in your state then on the vehicle screen it will have the option of choosing "Check this box if you do not own a vehicle and would like to purchase a non-owners policy." Our sales center may be able to assist your son in getting a non-owner's policy if he is interested in it, please call 1-800-964-4849.

If your son wants this type of policy he can see if a non-owners policy is available through our car insurance company affiliates in his area also by clicking here for aquick quote.


Sunday, August 23, 2009

First rate increase since 2000

The Saskatchewan Auto Fund is applying to the Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel (SRRP) for a rate increase and rate rebalancing which will result in an average increase for customers of 4.2 per cent, effective November 1, 2009.

The SRRP will receive this request on May 1 once they have completed their work on the SaskPower rate application.

If approved, this proposal would result in 553,000 Saskatchewan vehicle owners (55 per cent) seeing their rates increase less than $5 per month, on average $55 annually. It would also result in 321,000 vehicle owners (32 per cent) seeing no change to their rates, and 126,000 vehicle owners (13 per cent) receiving an average rate decrease of $21 annually.

The last Auto Fund rate increase was 2000. SGI offers the lowest average insurance rates for private vehicles in Canada, based on a comparison of the 34 most frequently registered vehicles in Saskatchewan.

"With more new vehicles on the road, the cost to repair vehicles is increasing, and the cost of auto injury claims is growing due to increased income replacement benefits as Saskatchewan’s wages are increasing," Crown Corporations Minister Ken Cheveldayoff said.

"In addition, the Auto Fund’s finances are impacted by changes to its investment income. Investments form a significant portion of an insurance company’s asset base and helps keep auto premiums low," Cheveldayoff said. "The significant downturn in global investment markets in the last half of 2008 resulted in a significant decrease in investment earnings for the entire insurance industry."

Rates are determined based on the actual risk each vehicle make, model and year represents for being involved in a claim and the actual costs of paying that claim. Some examples of vehicle rates, before safe driving discounts, include:

The future's electric for auto industry but barriers may short circuit the sparks, says PricewaterhouseCoopers

The growing potential of electric vehicles is clear from the introductions to the market by both new and established manufacturers, as well as the heavy investment in battery technology. The depth and speed at which electric vehicles will be able to penetrate the market will rely on several factors, but there remains little doubt that this technology will have a significant impact on the automotive industry moving forward. PricewaterhouseCoopers estimates that by 2020, pure electric vehicles (PEVs) could represent between two and five percent of the total output of light vehicles.

Climate change is an inescapable challenge for world leaders and while the issue of global warming remains highly debated, there is evidence to support the environmental impact of carbon emissions. The auto industry is responsible for 15 percent of global carbon emissions, amounting to roughly 8 billion tons annually. Although environmental protection has been the primary driver for change, other factors such as the price volatility of fossil fuels and energy independence have also helped perpetuate a change to alternative and renewable energy sources.

Steve D'Arcy, global auto leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers says:

"The European Union, widely seen as a leader in reducing automotive carbon emissions, has taken additional steps in setting a limit of 120g/km of carbon emissions by 2015, with 65 percent of new vehicles required to meet the standard by 2012. While other developed markets such as Japan are also enforcing tough emission standards, developing markets that have long lagged other regions in terms of enforcement are beginning to catch up and are adopting increasingly stringent emission regulations."

"Electric vehicles are seen as one possible solution automakers can focus on to meet increasingly stringent emission regulations around the world, since electric vehicles release no carbon emissions while running on electric power."

Whole Life Insurance

A Steady Plan for the Future

How Does Whole Life Differ From Term Life?

Unlike term insurance, whole life offers coverage for your entire life. And it accumulates cash value, which is accessible in the form of loans or withdrawals. So whole life can represent a future source of money as well as protection. The premiums are guaranteed to remain the same throughout your lifetime.

Coverage to Benefit Varying Ages and Family Situations

Whole life coverage can be a beneficial option for an array of ages and family situations:
  • Customers of all ages may be eligible to apply (depending on the product offered).
  • Children and grandchildren benefit because the policy provides for a low premium at a young age, and the premium remains level.
  • Young families with limited premium dollars benefit because it provides a simple insurance plan offering financial security and cash values.
  • More mature customers benefit because of tax-favored accumulation of cash value and life insurance coverage.
  • Premiums are paid over your lifetime, or a shorter period, depending on the product offered.

Accumulation of Cash Values

Cash values accumulate at a fixed rate. The cash value can be used to purchase extended term insurance, or to purchase paid-up insurance, or the policy can be surrendered for its cash value.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Life insurance plans : Endowment Assurance

This type of policy plays two distinct roles.
It provides Life Assurance protection should you die during the term of the policy, which is normally longer than 10 years.
Should you survive to the end of the policy term then you receive a lump sum. This lump sum is known as the maturity value.
As there is an investment element within endowments, normally higher premiums are required to provide for similar levels of Life Assurance protection than an equivalent Term Assurance or Whole of Life policy.
An endowment assurance life policy should not be used as an investment, as there are better alternatives. If you have money to invest, you are likely to be better off choosing other investments and sticking to a term policy to provide your life assurance.

Term life Insurance

Term life insurance or term assurance is life insurance which provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time, the relevant term. After that period expires coverage at the previous rate of premiums is no longer guaranteed and the client must either forgo coverage or potentially obtain further coverage with different payments and/or conditions. If the insured dies during the term, the death benefit will be paid to the beneficiary. Term insurance is often the most inexpensive way to purchase a substantial death benefit on a coverage amount per premium dollar basis.

Term life insurance is the original form of life insurance and can be contrasted to permanent life insurance such as whole life, universal life, and variable universal life. Unlike permanent life insurance policies guarantee coverage at fixed premiums for the lifetime of the covered individual. Additionally many permanent life insurance products build a predetermined cash value over the life of the contract available for later withdrawal by the client under specific conditions.

Term insurance functions in a manner similar to most other types of insurance in that it satisfies claims against what is insured if the premiums are up to date and the contract has not expired, and does not expect a return of Premium dollars if no claims are filed. As an example, auto insurance will satisfy claims against the insured in the event of an accident and a home owner policy will satisfy claims against the home if it is damaged or destroyed by, for example, an earthquake or fire. Whether or not these events will occur is uncertain, and if the policy holder discontinues coverage because he has sold the insured car or home the insurance company will not refund the premium. This is purely risk protection.

Learn How to Get a Discount from Insurance Companies

Our learning center is dedicated to helping insurance consumers become educated on their insurance needs. Our library of educational material, insurance guides and coverage calculating tools will help you in a variety of insurance situations. The next time you have an accident or need to file an insurance claim you can be prepared. We'll also tell you about what to do when a claim is denied and your rights as a policyholder. You'll also learn how to understand your insurance policy and of course, there are many tips on how to save money on insurance.

Don't pay more for insurance than you have to. Take time to compare your current insurance rates with comparable coverage from other insurance competitors. It only takes a few minutes to select the type of coverage you are interested in, and you'll be on your way to comparing insurance quotes and saving money!

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In the past, obtaining insurance quotes was a time consuming affair that involved hours on the phone or lengthy meetings with individual insurance agents. With the technology advancements of today, you can request insurance quotes quickly and efficiently. It only takes about two minutes to fill out the online insurance questionnaire provided on Our cutting edge technology allows you to instantly compare insurance coverage and premium quotes from multiple competing companies. The best part is you only have to enter your information once instead of traveling from website to website. We are not an insurance company, but we offer tips on how to determine the amount of insurance coverage you need.

So, whether you are looking for a cheaper auto insurance rate for an expiring car insurance policy, or you simply want to make sure you are getting the best deal on house, renters, disability, long term care, cancer, burial (final expense), life insurance, and annuity, 2insure4less is here to help both men and women find affordable insurance coverage. Why not see if you can save a little extra money on your health insurance premiums? You have the option of comparing cheap insurance coverage quotes online or speaking with a qualified insurance agent licensed in your state.
