
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Auto insurance benefits with fuel reduction

Drivers wanting to save money on fuel now that tax on the commodity has gone up can take steps which will also help reduce car insurance premiums, according to one website.

As well as reducing the amount spent on fuel now that tax on the commodity has been increased, financial website has revealed that certain tactics can also bring down auto insurance premiums.

Writing for MSN Money, Laura Starkey from the site said that with August 31st seeing fuel prices rise 2.3 pence per litre, motorists will be looking to cut down on the costs of driving, including auto insurance.

Ms Starkey advised drivers to reduce the amount the use their car – this will lead to using less petrol and also decreasing the amount of time spent on the road and the chance of damaging the vehicle.

She explained: "Agreeing to drive a set maximum mileage is unlikely to suit everyone, but could be a particularly useful tip for two-car families who have one vehicle that is used far less frequently than the other.

"If you are already driving limited distances in your car, ensure your insurance company is aware of this so it can price your policy accordingly," she added.

Increasing the vehicle's efficiency and checking out all the petrol stations in the area to find the best price will also help to reduce auto insurance premiums and cut the costs of paying for fuel, according to the expert.

Motorists in the UK are already finding ways to reduce the costs of driving without having to change their auto insurance policies, according to one firm.

Ibuyeco recently conducted a survey which found that 46 per cent of drivers have altered their technique when on the road, such as accelerating and braking more gently to reduce fuel intake, instead of cutting their auto insurance.

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